Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In the time it takes you to load this page and read the first sentence someone, probably a child, will have starved to death. They likely didn't know that in other parts of the world people would remark "aren't we lucky, there are a lot of starving people out there" in between bites of turkey. How could they believe, in their impoverished state, that garbage disposals take priority over them in the distribution of the world's uneaten food. Perhaps they were too young to know that things were different elsewhere, that they were born into the third world, but they died for no other reason.

The West has progressed since the Irish Potato Famine, when nearly a million people died, some eating grass on the side of the road, while Ireland exported four times its domestic food needs. The number of daily deaths from hunger has declined by 10,000 in the last ten years, but the problem has not been adequately addressed. As the industrialized world surges forward with research on potential cures for cancer, bio-fuels, and high tech computers two billion forgotten people languish in chronic hunger. The world produces enough food to feed itself, but the pursuit of bio-fuels, the overconsumption of food in developed nations, and the tons of food that are thrown out every day have kept the hungry starving. 30,000 people will starve to death today, but tomorrow, if we work together that number can be reduced to zero.

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